Welcome to PowerUp fellow gamers. For my first review, I will talk about Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Operation Raccoon City is the most recent Resident Evil titles to date. This game tells the story of team wolfpack; a team of the Umbrella Security Service who are on a mission to get rid of any evidence relating Umbrella to the T-Virus outbreak. Because this story takes place between the events of Resident Evils 2 and 3, many familiar characters are seen as the player(s) progress through the story. This game was developed by Slant Six games who have developed games such as SOCOM: Confrontation and SOCOM: Fire Team Bravo 3. Since third person shooters are their specialty, they decided to make this newest Resident Evil installment similar to that of the SOCOM games. This is the first of the Resident Evil games where you could shoot while moving, take cover behind objects, and have a more controllable melee attack. This game had a lot of potential and had many things going for it due to how popular the series is. However this game has had reviews between 4 and 4.5 out of 10 from popular game review websites. One of the reasons is the game play. The controls for this game are very different not only from Resident Evil games, but also any other similar game type. Another game play fault is the lack of intelligence of the teammate AI. They will do things like run into fire, stay far back while you get surrounded by zombies, and tend to not help when you need healing and/or disinfection. Another reason for this game's lack of popularity is the series that it represents. The first few resident evil games were slow paced but fun and challenging game play, had a very limited supply of ammo, and an eerie atmosphere that would keep you on your toes every time a room was entered or a corner was turned. This game is so far from the originals that die hard resident evil fans are disappointed and furious that this game was even made. As a huge Resident Evil fan, I can understand people's frustrations. However, I have played through this game's campaign and multiplayer a multiple of times and found this game to be a very fun game to play. As a huge zombie fan, any time i get to kill a zombie or get to blow off their heads puts me in one of the best moves. Add in a few BOWs and Government Spec Ops Soldiers makes this game both fun and challenging at the same time. The different classes give the player a different experience each time they play the game. The player needs separate strategies for each class in the game to avid being shot, stabbed, or eaten alive.
Bottom line, I agree that this game has a lot of problems. However, this fast paced shooter is great for people who like zombie games, 3rd person shooters, and the Resident Evil series.
Score: 6 / 10